Course Correction? The Importance of Regular Brand Reviews

Course Correction? The Importance of Regular Brand Reviews

In today’s dynamic market, maintaining a robust brand is not merely a one-time exercise but a continuous journey. Brands are about building value, serving as the north star that guides an organisation’s vision, helping customers find and understand its product...
Navigating the Storm of Technological Disruption

Navigating the Storm of Technological Disruption

In a recent engagement on LinkedIn, I stumbled upon a post discussing the pivotal speech delivered by the then CEO of Nokia. The insights shared raised concerns about the challenges companies face when grappling with technologically led change. The post, from Emmanuel...
Balance The Core Of Successful Strategy Implementation

Balance The Core Of Successful Strategy Implementation

Finding balance in executing a business strategy is akin to walking a tightrope. It’s a delicate act that requires precision, agility, and a keen sense of awareness. All too often in these polarised days, balance can be difficult to find. Here’s a closer...